The HCOA is a mandatory membership for all homes in Hampton Cove.  HCOA assessments are due every January 1 and are late after January 31. The HCOA office maintains the common grounds, produces publications, enforces compliance to the Restrictive Covenants, and handles Architectural Review.
For more information, call 256-533-6005 or email

Our office is located at 180 Old Highway 431, Suite F, Owens Cross Roads, AL 35763. Office hours are 8am to 5pm Monday through Thursday and 8am to 3pm Friday

The community votes every December to elect homeowners as Board members. The Board is made up of nine homeowners. Each term is a two-year commitment. Since there are nine members, each year it alternates between electing 4 or 5 new members.
The current board members are listed here:

The Covenants require the Board to meet at least 4 times per year. Our Board typically meets every month on the fourth Monday. Meetings are usually held here in our office unless we have a lot of guests and require more space. If that is the case, we will typically meet at the Hampton House or one of the Hampton Cove schools.

The Hampton House is the entity that houses the pool, tennis courts, fitness center and other amenities. While membership in the HCOA is mandatory, Hampton House membership is optional. Hampton House payments are due on May 1 and are late after May 15.
Learn more:
You may contact the Hampton House for more information at 256-533-3040.
The mailing address is 2700 Hampton Cove Way, Hampton Cove, AL 35763.

You can access these documents on the Governing Documents page of this website.

You may download one here or stop by the HCOA office.

Yes, Hampton Cove is in the City of Huntsville. Hampton Cove receives all City of Huntsville services, such as utilities, garbage, animal services, recreational services and water.

It will not become its own city.

Hampton Cove is serviced by the Owens Cross Roads Post Office (zip code 35763).
However, you may use either Hampton Cove or Owens Cross Roads as the city name.

All changes to the exterior of your home must be submitted to the Architectural Review Committee for approval. Approval is not necessary to replace and repair any existing structure to its original state (i.e. repainting your house trim the original color).
For other modifications, including color changes, please complete the following form: Property Modification Request
The covenants allow up to 45 days for processing, so plan in advance. For any questions, email

Well designed playhouses may be permitted upon approval. Wooden playsets maximum height is 14 feet. Playsets must be located in a rear privacy area, not highly visible from the street and in an approved area. Playsets should be screened from view with landscaping.  Wooden playsets must be painted or stained an HCOA approved color within 120 days of installation. Playsets must be maintained with regular repairs and painting. Playsets in disrepair are considered an eyesore and are subject to fines.  Metal swing sets are not permitted.
Property Modification Request

External structures such as storage sheds, shops, or similar buildings are strictly prohibited. The HCOA has made exceptions for well-designed gazebos, pergolas, playhouses, and hot tubs when located in a rear privacy area and not highly visible. 
A Property Modification Request form must be submitted for approval.

You may have a POD for no more than one week (7 days) twice a year. Please contact our office at least 24 hours in advance to let us know when the pod will be dropped off and when it will be removed.

All changes to the exterior, including the installation of any fence, must be submitted to the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) for approval. There are different requirements depending on the neighborhood you live in. For specific requirements, see the Standards and Restrictions and your neighborhood’s Supplemental Declarations under Governing Documents. No chain link or vinyl fencing is allowed in Hampton Cove. Find a fence modification form under the Forms & Documents section. You may submit the form, along
with a plan drawn on a plat, to our office for approval.

All fences in Hampton Cove must be painted or stained. Unless you are painting your fence the same color as your trim, you must submit your color choice to the HCOA office for approval. The preferred paint color for fences is Sand Castle by Sherwin Williams. Residents can get a discount at Sherwin Williams or Benjamin Moore.  The first 25 residents who paint their fence Sand Castle can get a refund for up to $100.

Unless the land is owned by the City of Huntsville or the Hampton Cove Owners Association, the area behind your fence is your property and must be properly maintained. In addition to the weeds that grow behind your fence, we ask that you maintain the weeds that grow on your fence as well. This will also aid in “critter control.”

Signs need approval from the ARC before being posted in your front yard or on any other portion of the community. Download a Sign Permit on the Forms & Documents page. The covenant allows for one standard-size real estate sign per yard. In reference to political signs, residents may erect ONE political sign per yard.

Contractor signs are not allowed.

The Robert Trent Golf Course located throughout Hampton Cove is not owned by Hampton Cove but is a privately held corporation. You may contact the Golf Course at 256-551-1818 for more information regarding their courses and rates. Visit the website at

HCOA members and their guests may fish in the Hampton Cove lakes with the appropriate fishing permit. Guests must be accompanied by a resident when they fish on a Hampton Cove lake. Please stop by our office for a fishing permit.

No, and we don’t control the fishing in those lakes.

Two community-wide yard sales will be scheduled each year in Spring and Fall. Remember that we need approval from Huntsville Police Department, so the dates may not remain the same year to year. As soon as the next date is decided, it will be posted on our website. The hours for the yard sale are from 8am to 1pm, and it is a rain-or-shine event.  The yard sale is in individual yards throughout the entire community. There is no fee to participate by the homeowner. The HCOA will place an ad in The Huntsville Times the Friday before the sale. The HCOA also will place signs throughout the community.

Call the City of Huntsville Sanitation at 256-427-5400. You can also report online at We have found this website gets faster a faster response than phone calls. Occasionally, trash pickup falls on a holiday. In this event, trash will be picked up the following day.

City of Huntsville Sanitation: 256-427-5332

Call Public Works at 256-883-3944. You can also report online at We have found this website gets faster a faster response than phone calls.

Landscape Management office: 256-427-5680. You can also report online at We have found this website gets faster a faster response than phone calls.

Call Community Development at 256-427-5409. You can also report online at We have found this website gets faster a faster response than phone calls.

City of Huntsville Fire Department 256-722-7120.

Call Huntsville Utilities at 256-535-1324. You can also report online at We have found this website gets faster a faster response than phone calls.

For emergencies, call 911

Non-emergency police 256-722-7100.

Call Animal Control at 256-883-3788. You can also report online at We have found this website gets faster a faster response than phone calls.